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Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 2nd January, 1964

My dear Varadachari,

Aksi and Kasbi

Regarding your condition I may say that I might have viewed it in another way and that too can never be wrong in any way. In this connection I give you my Master's view. He had said that the condition attained by an abhyasi at a particular point or region is sometimes reflected on higher regions too by the Master's Grace, with the result that they begin to seem like awakened to a certain extent. In that case the abhyasi's approach up to it can be presumed for understanding. Thus there are two ways of approach, the one (to use the Master's Urdu terms) is aksi or reflected and the other is kasbi or acquired. In your case I may say that you are in touch with the Centre in the aksi way. But that too is appreciable and of value also, whereas you are otherwise in the fifth ring as regards the kabsi way. The aksi method can as will be applied all through even up to the level of trainership, but I do not follow it except in rare cases only. For example Mr. Dhonde Rao is at present on the 2nd point and is slowly doing the yatra, but the reflection of it has extended up to the fifth point and a little on the ajna chakra also.


Now in reply to one of the points in your letter of 15/12 I may not be egoistic to say that I cannot live without Him (Master) and He cannot display without me, because so is His will. Wherever I am, He is also there. But since I am after all a human being His watchful eye is every moment essential to regulate the quantity and efficacy of the dose. Sometimes he comes when any of the preceptors is transmitting, especially in higher regions. If anything there is not clear still please refer again.

Masters Greatness

I may now tell you of a recent experience establishing the Master's greatness and my own insignificance. I had written to you sometime ago that there is a super-consciousness, lying between the shikhar and the occipital prominence which I had left untouched in the Efficacy of Raja Yoga because that was meant only for God's working. I tested it on you but with the Master's permission of course and keeping one eye upon the Master for directions and the other upon you. I did it but for half a minute, with as much subtleness as possible. The effect was there and it flowed on to the central region. Two days after, while in the bathroom I discovered that subtleness as needed was lacking still. I tried my level best to make it subtler to the required extent but I could not. Then I prayed to my Master and He did it all right.

It has also come to my experience that God takes over some of the responsibility upon himself even before entry into central region. But when He takes over the full charge of the abhyasi, the Master's work is practically over, though he has yet to go on with cleaning if needed, in order to smoothen the Nature's work. My super-consciousness reveals to me that when an abhyasi has entered the central region, cases... ...

With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 3rd March, 1964

My dear Varadachari,


You have grasped well my views on parallelism in Nature. Your presumption that human line includes the whole creation up to the human level is quite correct. Here I may add further that humanity, though charged with Divinity, is not however altogether lost, but exists still, though on a nominal level only. So even when one secures closest nearness to God, the human instinct remains in him still.

.... The theory of parallelism offers a clue to a new way of spiritual training, but while proceeding along with it we have to be very cautious to make a correct observation to decide how much of humanity is to be retained and to what extent should it be charged.

With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 23rd April, 1964

My dear Varadachari,

Entrusting to the Higher Most

As for your condition you have guessed my answer as well and it may be correct to some extent. You are being treated unjustly by God (identified by you as Venkateshwar). Why don't you then entrust yourself to the Higher-most, who is in no case expected to be unjust. If you take Venkateshwar to be the Highest there can possibly be no justification for taking him as unjust. But if you take him as a subordinate functionary, then there is a higher authority to appeal against. Just decide for yourself and try to be clear on the point.

A gift is of avail only when fairly utilised in an appreciable way. The complexities are due more to the mental un-adjustment than to external circumstances.

You say you have no peace ----- etc. This is obviously in contradiction with your previous statements even at lower stages of advancement. That means your advance has carried you farther away from peace, hence no advancement in the true sense. But this is very surprising since you acknowledge that your associates are getting peace and calmness through you in spite of your irritability. You have tried to reconcile the two views on the basis of my theory of parallelism. But then you seem to be ignoring your part of the work (getting humanity merged in the Divine).

Brooding-Submission to His will

The root cause of all this, in my opinion, is the uncalled for brooding over sorrowful reflections, taking into view their darker aspect. This indirectly amounts to meditation on miseries and sorrows. Hence the inevitable result must naturally be the growth of adverse effect. This we have therefore to be very particular about and try to avoid at all cost. But how can that be done? It can be only through resignation, dedication and submission to His will. Prayer does not imply dictation or enforcement of our will upon God, but submission to his will, laying down our sorrows and ills before Him.

Your view of the zero as full with your sorrow is somewhat strange. If it is so, it cannot be zero then. What do you think of it? I am a bit frank in my above expression, because you wanted answers based on Divine consciousness.

With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

My dear Varadachari,


Instruments for Masters work

Regarding your experience while transmitting I may say that it is really the great Master's power that works through the preceptor. we are all only instruments for his work. This impression often comes to view in different shades. Such types of experience are usual in other cases as well. You have absorbency (a little or more) in me and I in Him, so it follows that often the Grand Master is there in your place and abhyasis sometimes feel it.

My heart is about the same with no difference practically.

With best wishes,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 9th September, 1964

My dear Varadachari,


I had been to Delhi in the month of July. There on 22nd July at 7:01 A.M. while I was transmitting to Mr. Rajagopalan, I found you moving from the navel point to swadhishthan. Perhaps you remember that during my last visit to Tirupati I had remarked that the work of the navel point had already started.

Nabhi, Swadhisthan and Muladhar

For your knowledge I may tell you that in our system of sadhana the three chakras, the nabhi, the swadhishtan and the muladhar are taken at the very end, in quite a natural course. Rather I may say that Nature herself takes them up then. The Master's work is only to prepare the ground for Nature's working so as to speed up the work. Again on 22nd August at 8:50 A.M. I looked to it and found that the flow from the navel to swadhishtan was growing stronger. I am now observing it and am waiting to see how Nature works. Afterwards I shall see what part I have to play therein.

Your book Sahaj Marg A New Darshan shall be a wonderful book. You have requested me to inspire you further for that purpose. You had previously been inspired for the work. Your request now reminds me of the word 'Vedic Consciousness', used by me on further thinking and the solution also came. In your case I simply prayed to my Master and I witnessed something chord-like in you which had been serving as an impediment. It is being dissolved and by now almost 10 percent of it only remains. The process is still going on, with speed. The result as I observe it, is that your understanding is now becoming Divine.

With best wishes,


Ram Chandra