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Dated 9th January, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


If sister feels uncomfortable on account of anahat, I may make the effect go deeper. Throbbings shall no doubt remain to some extent, due to the force of energy descending. As for yourself you are right in doing with your samskaras as you do. For your craving to discover and see the states, I suggest the following but it must be done only once or at the most twice.

Meditation on Soul

'Lie down flat on the bed and begin to meditate on your soul.' By the process may you begin to discover the states. But it is rather difficult to understand the finer states of subtle existence.

I have cleaned your entire system the suksham dots there, have all been dissolved. Your system is now made quite pure. All limitations have been removed from the point 1 and 2 which now possess unlimited powers. You are full of energy for the work which I wanted to have from you.


Ram Chandra



14th January, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

I appreciate your work as a preceptor, finding the people of your satsangh improving in almost all cases. I am glad to tell you a very fortunate incident on the 12th January at about 1:30 P.M. while in train at the time, I found a trail of samskaras descending upon your heart. Though I took them out for the most part, in order to avoid their bhogam, still some effect thereof could not be avoided and a subtle state of it remains which may likely be disturbing to you for some time. I am doing my best in this connection.

I had once written to you that the divine instrument is at work for putting down desires and you will have clear knowledge of it when it comes in full swing. Uneasiness (for that reason), may however remain for some time. I shall be looking to it according to needs, though I am very weak at present. But the work cannot suffer on that account.

I am glad to note that my sister is feeling better. Really speaking my task in this connection is mostly over because her direct relation with God is established. I had told you about it at the time. What remains for me to do is to purify the different centres and make her more and more receptive to divine influence.


With best wishes and love to my disciplined children, my respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra



21st January, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


The spiritual state of my sister is of course remarkably good, but I have suspended the direct descent for the time being, and in that case, I was obliged to sever her direct connection, because you are much confused. But I assure you that the pain is not due to direct descent of divine, influence but is due to some external material causes.

When I did the process for direct descent, I kept a bondage there, so that the divine wave may descend according to her capacity. And it was our duty to develop her capacity.

Regarding your state of contact, I am happy to note that you get absorbency in the 'Real' for sometime.

With best wishes to both of you, and my love to your children.

My respects to Appaji also.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 30th January, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


Received your affectionate letters of January 22 and 24 and also the telegram. You seem to be anxious about my health. In this connection I relate to you two of the recent incidents, which show clearly enough that ill health does not hamper work which God wants to have from us. You know of my illness at Salem during the recent tour. The acute pain about the loins had completely confined me to bed. Shri Rajagopal and Sahai advised me to postpone departure for some days till I had recovered. But I did not like any change and was resolute, that leave I must for Madras at any cost. About two hours before the departure time I suddenly felt a heavy jerk in the diseased portion of the body which shook me all over. Wonder of wonders, the pain was at once reduced by 90%. 1 could take up the journey with comfort and ease which otherwise was almost impossible. While I was in the train I felt another similar jerk and the pain was gone altogether.

The other incident happened on the 24th Jan. Before that date I was so weak and feeble that I could not give even one sitting without, having several hours rest after that. I was anxiously thinking how shall I be able to transmit continuously for 3 days without a break, though to be away from it was out of question for me. I would and must have done it even at the cost of my life. At 6:25 when I came out of bath I felt surprised to find myself absolutely diseaseless and full of energy like a young healthy man and even till now I feel myself so. Do not these incidents teach us a great lesson that, we must be carefree, trying to abide by the Nature's will health must no doubt be cared for and that is our duty but at the same time we must be confident that no work can suffer on that account.

Please do not fear that I shall leave you all some day. That happens only when time comes, but My case is different. As I have expressed in many of my letters, I shall be more useful when I leave my physical form. As long as I am in this world I shall be serving you all and my services will continue even after that. Moreover before leaving the body I shall not take away even a grain of power or spirituality with me. All that will be transferred to you all, those deeply attached getting the greater share there from. besides, another one, the best from amongst you all shall be there in my place. When my Master entrusted the work to me, proclaiming me as his representative, I did not set to work for about a year (with His permission no doubt). All this period I devoted to the study of the various types o f systems of the people and the proper method, of their spiritual elevation. For several years after I had begun working I sought for hints from above, in all matters relating to the training work. Afterwards when I had studied and experienced everything thoroughly I discovered and practised the method of giving higher approaches in a short time Without causing any harm. When I put before the Master my method of bringing a man to Perfection even at a glance without any risk of life, He appreciated it in high terms. There is one drawback in it still which I could not remove. It is that in such cases the real condition will be revealed to him gradually in course of time and not instantly, in which case death is certain. I shall be very glad if anybody Helps me in the solution. During our next meeting 1 shall tell you how the power of transmission can be moulded so as to bring about the desired result without any strain or harm to the nervous system.

The centres of light seen in you by Dr. Kuppuswami are correct though in a different way. You are illumined all over that is a fact beyond doubt. I perfectly believe that you have thrown your responsibility on me and I am fully conscious of it.

You often say you have no love for me. The same I feel in respect of my Master. Once I had asked my Master about it and he replied that it is the greatest love. But this does not relate to persons who are really devoid of true love. For example take the case of sister. She is smouldering in the thought of love without knowing anything of it. Her case is peculiar.

For some good reasons I do not mean to touch you for about a week or so and I do not mind whether you feel shanti or the otherwise. I have filled you with spiritual energy to your utmost Capacity and it requires to be digested. The process has already started from 8:35 A.M. on 23rd January, 1958.

I know your anxiety and have already started praying for it even before I received your letter. Our job is only to pray, and the rest with the Master.


Colour of Points

You asked me once about the colours at the points which I give below:

Point No. 1 Yellow

2 Red

3 White

4 Black

5 Green

Curing Diseases

Note: These colours can be utilised in curing diseases. Whatever colour is required for curing a particular disease, the same colour is transmitted to him. The effect of these colours is explained in the system of treatment through solar colours.

With best wishes and love to children and pranam to Appaji.


Ram Chandra

Diary Writing

P.S.- I have gone through the diaries sent by you and I have given my views in brief. One thing which I specially want to point out is that I want the diaries in a form which might help me or you to understand the spiritual state of the abhyasi or about his difficulties or entanglements. For this purpose it is better to have it under the following heads:

1. Date and time.

2. Hour and duration of meditation.

3. Experiences and condition at the time of meditation.

4. General condition of mind at other hours of the day with any other thing he specially wants to mention.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 3rd February, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


As far as I see and understand, 'pure consciousness' was at work among you all during the Utsav-the celebration days.


I am overjoyed to learn of your impatience for 'Realisation'. It reminds me of my own tale of the past. It is the only instrument which speeds up our march to realisation. You are being moulded by the Nature, for the real service, which you are already attending to.

Regarding your question of 'real consciousness', I would add that I am ready to infuse you with my very blood, if it can be of any use to it. I think, I did not get you, but I searched and found out my own being in the form of Varadachari. Real consciousness is your share and you will have it decidedly, but I must wait for some time, so that you may get the experiences of all stages you are going into, and your capacity may become so great that you may impart this very thing to others, so dear to you and myself.

I have promised you in several letters; if I pull on to that stage instantly, even that, you will take time for its revelation, because sudden transformation means sure death of your mortal being. You will have everything speedily. I of course, admire your impatience in this respect.

With best wishes to you and to sister, and love to children. My respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra



3rd February 1958

My dear Revered and beloved Gurudev,

Please accept my humble pranams. I am in receipt of the letter which thou hast sent on the 30th Jan. I am happy to know that you are now absolutely all right. I did not doubt at all about Thy great powers but prayed that as it has become my business for the Master's welfare all the while.

I am equally deeply grateful for the unique opportunity of being related to you in this life and may I be thy humble servant doing my work humbly, with God-given light and strength.


I am glad to receive Thy observations on the dairies. I am yet quite a novice in this matter and very incompetent in the perceptions about the other abhyasis. With thy ever present presence in me I hope to be able to witness and help the abhyasis. Of course it is Thy supreme work. I feel myself just an instrument. Sometimes I am not even aware of the transmission taking place.

I now understand why I am not able to know my condition myself. But I am assured that all will be well. I have resigned myself completely to Thee, and in fact I was even feeling why I was accepting invitations to speak of Shri Aurobindo. But in a way that too may by thy blessing help the cause.

Shri Vedantam is already feeling the effects of Thy work on him; he has started on the path as he was saying that he saw brilliant light but through mesh. I asked him to follow The method of the Master.


I am deeply aware of the colour problem. I shall try to use the analysis in my work.

All is Thy work It is Thou who works through every one of us and I am praying that this consciousness should never forsake me.

I am sure with Thy blessings it will be possible for me to more and more be Thine alone and in thy own language 'dead and gone'.

With most loving pranams,

Your body,



Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 9th February, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Love of Master

You are God given gift for me and I will spare no pains in serving you thoroughly. I think all the chains have been broken out by our Master, but there is only one, that is, I remain fast bound in the trammels of affections which you or anybody have for me.

Reading of Condition

Very soon you will be able to read the inner conditions of the abhyasis. The work will teach you all these things. It depends upon the practice also. When you transmit any abhyasi concentrate a little over him with the idea of perception then you will know whether the place is stony or dark or otherwise. If there is light in any abhyasi whether he belongs to the Mission or any other sanstha you will be able to know by the above method. it is not at all difficult. Only a little confidence in yourself will reveal the mystery. When you transmit anybody your are not aware if it is taking place. The same condition is mine, when the preceptor gets subtle and gains absorbency in the inner being be does not feel that he is transmitting because the power itself becomes -- free from matter and it touches the very core of the being. I am very glad to here this thing from you.

With best wishes to you and love to children. Respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra



11th Feb. 1958

My dear Revered and Beloved Gurudev,

Anguish of a Seeker

I have been going through a lot of depression. I cannot express my intense sorrows sometimes at my inability to perceive anything of the higher consciousness within me. I feel myself so gross and even incapable of ascent. The work of the preceptor even seems to be obstructed by my opacity. I do not always find the condition of the abhyasi before me, though I must inform you that many of them feel better. Where am I and how am I these questions crop up again and again. I am in a sense ashamed of this condition, as the Master has constantly been telling me to be otherwise. Of course the Master knows what bhog to give and to remove. The dream state has been very confusing of late. My wife also was speaking of the same condition in her experiences. Sometimes she had trembling and saw all light descending.

As I wrote to Thee last time I do not know anything. I feel myself (or do I?) not even as a conduit pipe of the Master's energy. I have been trying to transmit the love of the Master which like energy will remove all dirt. I have not been particularly instructed to do the transmission in any way so I am using my ingenuity to the best of Thy will. I am Thine. This Thou knowest. But I may not be up to the mark or even advanced enough. The visions seem to be just several passing stages but granting neither the intuitive direct knowledge of the Veda or the Ultimate which entails so many consequences. But I am yet 'craving' rather than going beyond all desires or wishes. I pray for the higher energy that will make nought all these and

I pray for the entire abolition of my ignorance and ego.


Thou hast done so much for me and it would be sheer ingratitude if I do not praise Thee for all that Thou hast been doing. But I love more for more, to be really able to do and do more, for the Glory of the Master.

Please accept my humble pranams again

Forgive me these reflections arising out of a heart bruised and pained and loving the Ultimate Master.

I am yours as body,




15th February, 1958

My dear revered and beloved Gurudev,

Please accept my humble pranams. .....

The work is going on. By Thy Grace, I believe that the abhyasis are improving. I am indeed deeply happy to learn that the very feeling of absence of transmission is a very good sign of naturalness and that the power of the Master flows unobstructed by my awareness, which is perhaps itself a heaviness. I shall try to observe more closely.

Trainer's Diary

I intend to keep a separate diary of what I observe for each abhyasi who chooses to come for special or individual sitting. I am of late encouraging the abhyasis to come for individual sitting. I gave today a sitting to Bro. Annayya Naidu and he felt exactly as he said he felt when the Master was here and gave him a sitting. That really helped much and I have asked him to come every Saturday fortnight or weekly so that he may grow in the anubhava.

I am in my own condition as I wrote last week. But Thy letter has somehow produced in me a very good effect. I have dedicated myself to Thee and may yet grow to love thee as my very Self and all and give up myself to Thee to do as Thou willest. Only I pray that it may be soon.


Yours ever,



Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 25th February, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Laya Avastha in Master

You have written in your letter dt. 9th February, 1958, (I have felt myself entirely as possessed by thee, and felt, thou art all for me). How happy I am to write the reply of the sentences of yours. The laya avastha (absorbency state,), has now commenced in you; which is of course, a very difficult thing to attain for those who do not adopt the real method you have adopted. I do not want to say to other abhyasis openly these things. I have written the same thing in the Efficacy of Raja Yoga but in a different way, so that the people may not hold opinion that I want to be worshipped by them.

My Master once told me in private that he had got so many disciples, but hardly any one of them had attained the laya avastha. Spiritually, they are quite good, but this is a very special thing, in the spiritual life, which when it shines out brings up a man to a very high state soon. But Dr. you are being absorbed in me. I do not know whether I am a fit man for it. But I tell you that Shri Ishwar Sahai, when attaining high elevation, came to know of this method, he began to say it to the Lovers of the Mission. The result is that those who are following it are directed towards the object.


I tell you my Varadachari, to be specially guarded with yourself with the thoughts mentioned in your letter dt. 11.2.58. You must not think yourself weak or the grossed one, because in that case your own will-power, will bring up all your thoughts to be real-one sometime. What you feel you can write out whether it may be grossness or opacity, but please do not go into it deeply. Please remove the idea of depression, because in that case, since you have started the laya avast, it will have its effect in maturing your grossness. I remain open hearted with you so I want to write something about myself in this connection. During the period of my abhyas I devoted myself wholly to consume myself with my Master. How far I have succeeded, that only is known to my Master. But I can boldly say, that I am perfectly confident In myself to bring about the desired result in the spirituality within no time.

So, my dear Dr. Varadachari, you will excuse me, if I go beyond the human limitations to say, that I now feel the Realisation as child's play, because it is the easiest and no time is required for it. I am also writing these things for your encouragement, that you are attempting a very simple thing and is growing simpler day by day for its achievement. Truly speaking the real faith comes only when you absorb yourself only to the Real Being. There the will works as the command in the spiritual matter.

I have not told you the method of transmission, because in any way what you do now is all correct, as your force will be working for the spiritual uplift of others. During my next visit, I shall tell you a few masterly things, which you can do perfectly well. Meanwhile you please gain some experience yourself. I keep watch over your works also and help is bestowed upon you always and all of them are proving and the system is clarified thereby.

It is better, if you keep a separate diary of what you observe in each abhyasi, and if You doubt on any point you can seek my advice.


With best wishes to you and love to children. My respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 28th February, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


I hope you must have received a letter from

Mr. P.N. Midayal from Calcutta informing me that he felt much elevated in the sitting given by you. When a man is charged with the spiritual force, then follows the automatic run of its display. Moreover, you will find this effect developing day by day. There may come a time when the audience may go into a state of trance, while hearing you.

Transmission by voice

I found in my Master that whenever he spoke or read anything, all of us felt suspended. The transmission by voice is very strong. When you ever speak on our system of Sahaj Marg, then observe how much power is gushing out from you towards the audience. I have yet to give power to speech when you really require it. My experience tells me one thing more -- that there are certain limitations in ones system which prevent a man in coming up to the Nature's harmony. Our voice should be in conformity with the silent voice of Nature and this condition begins from the very first stage and ends in the last one. That is why I often say that nobody can go out of the platform of the Mission, without having some spiritual food dissolved in him, if one gets the chance of hearing the preceptors of the Mission.

With best wishes to you and love to children.

My respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 6th March, 1958

My dear Varadachari

I was happy to know of the vision you felt at Calcutta. This is due to your state of progress. I have already written about this in my previous letter and there is nothing to add now.

The audience at Calcutta, according to the tendencies of their fashioned minds, felt the presence of 'Mother' and who knows it might be so, but that, at the root, must I think, be a tongueless power working through the agency. You have prepared field for it, though mostly by self-effort, which goes to your own credit. This is why Nature works its own way through you as in the case of atom, ions and electrons. There is but one energy working through all the universe. What we are therefore to do is to become the medium for the utilisation of its power for proper use.


There is the example of the rishis of the Vedic time who were in conformity with Nature. The result of it was sruti. This can happen even now but only if we become blind and deaf. Realisation comes only when we become blind and sruti follows only when we turn deaf, the words 'deaf and 'blind' not being used in physical sense. So these things are neither difficult nor impossible at any time. Nature which once set into action through human medium, can do so again through similar medium, and this may be the time as Nature is evidently attracting humanity towards itself. That is why religious awakening, crude or subtle I was it may be, is found everywhere in one or the other form.


I tell you, Doctor, that the long forgotten Transmission will be the subject of attention for all human beings in existence. We have got that which seemed to have been lost, and now we have it and work with it, thanks to my Great Master. My dear Varadachari I am sure you will be sorry to hear our tale of woe. Since U.P. has long been under Mohammedan influence, Hinduism here underwent changes, creating knots to separate each other. It may be surprising to note that Mohammedans here claim it as their own originality, which though far from being a fact, I do not dispute, with a view that it may work for the betterment of humanity at large, not minding whoever may be its originator. All the different sects of Mohammedanism (72 in all) have Transmission as their base, directly or indirectly, and every one of them is acquainted with it and acknowledges it. But among Hindus a few perhaps might even believe its genuineness. They are mostly incredulous about it and prefer to interpret it as hypnotism or similar baser science. We must pray to God that His will be done and the down-trodden masses may wake up to the Real Life. Now it is our lookout to improve it as best as possible for the benefit of humanity irrespective of caste or creed.

Point A

I am overjoyed to inform you that you have crossed the region and have come to the Point A (as I call it) on 1st March, 1958 at 9:42 A.M. I do not find names for these regions so I take, them by numbers.

Avoiding Disturbance

You write that disturbance often occurs in meditation, sleep and dream, but when you seek refuge in me they disappear. I tell you a prescription for it and it is perhaps the best. It is this, 'Make room for me to take refuge in you permanently.' In that case all things will settle down in a permanent way. I think, Doctor, you will like this prescription very much because it can very easily be taken.

Reading of Condition

The reading of other's condition depends upon practice also. For example I give you my experience. Once when I gave a sitting to a gentleman I found in his heart huge piles of bricks. I cleaned it off. Then I saw heaps of coal in its place. I asked him whether he ever had a business of bricks and coal to which he replied in the affirmative. Now look here Doctor, intuition brought all these things to my knowledge, but it was experience and intelligence that helped me to come to the right conclusion.

It is the Holi today. Let us all of us is colour ourselves with colourlessness.

With best wishes and love to children,


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 2lst March, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


I am happy to note that your experiences are genuine and not the concocted ones. Due to the efficacious teachings of my Master, very high conditions begin to reign sometimes, though momentary, so that the abhyasi may get the real substance for his approach to the Ultimate. Now I come to the question of Realisation. I can safely say that you have realised to the extent of your approach. But my conception, as I have expressed in some, of my letters, is the simplest and the nearest. When you begin to live in Brahma permanently with changeless condition as its characteristics then it is the complete Realisation, as much as reserved for the human beings. I am taking you to that stage of the real life and I hope I will succeed by God's grace. The thing is not at all difficult but it looks like that because there is still field to cross over. I give you my idea because you are mine and you will ever remain mine. I do not generally hanker that my associates may get liberation because it is the cheapest thing to acquire and no time is needed for it. What I want is that you may have your share of work in the Nature and the mystery be revealed to you like an open book. If I could create one such man even, my Mission is over but I will not rest a while unless such many personalities may come in existence. But that is my desire only and its fulfillment depends solely upon God.

Harmony with Nature

Now comes your another question regarding your being in harmony with nature. I think I have sufficiently expressed in the above lines, but to make it more clear on this point concerning you, I would add as I said in one of my letters that I have dissolved the creases or the dots which find place when the river shifts its bed from one place to another. This is an example only. My vision has been degenerated so much that I always see the defects to be removed and the minutest things are coming to my view. I assure you one thing more, which you have said in one of your previous letters that you are not at all gross. But subtle and gross are two different things. Where exists subtleness, the idea of grossness is there. Now it becomes my duty that I may keep you off with both of these things so that you may become beyond the relative terms. Then will, come the Nature's harmony. You have entered the sandy desert but you are still affected by the simooms coming from the other side. Proceed on and on which you are doing. Then you be free from the effects of these winds. I have every hope from you.

I am very thankful to you that you are doing the work of satsangh effectively. The strength is there in you and it works. I prefer individual sittings besides congregational satsangh because in that case you get time to give him satsangh according to his needs. .....

With best wishes to you, love to children and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 22nd March, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


You are writing in your letter that you are unable to say anything about your present condition adding that whoever sits in your satsangh, feels anand. This in itself is depictive of your own condition. I have now taken your case again which I had left, as I had told you in one of my letters, for some time so that the power imparted by the Master at Tirupati, may be digested. Now you have come to the standard that my task is growing easier. Though I do not know the reason but I find it very easy to work when a man comes to the higher regions. But I again say to the contrary to what I have said that my work remains as it is, to bring the abhyasi in to harmony with Nature. The higher region works very much in this cause but there is still a place left for me to work into. Please study your condition minutely and you will find decidedly a change.

With best wishes to you, love to children and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 5th April, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Your dream has no spiritual significance. It is neither for nor against it. Such dreams come due to dietic error and physiological disturbances.

I do not know whether I should express in the book written by Shri Ishwar Sahai about my conception of Kundalini when it does not tally with the scriptures. But I do not know my dear Varadachari, why I am always sure of my revelation. I also tally my own readings sometimes from my Master then only I pen it down. When I concentrate a little on any point its character begins to reveal and the heart becomes contented.

I am writing to you the circumstances which led me to believe about my right conception. When Shri Raghavendra Rao met me for the first time, about three years ago, he being a science student put me some questions about electrons and ions. I gave him my own research in the matter but not in scientific terms. When I met him at Gulbarga this time, he told me that a Chinese philosopher, six months ago, gave out the same research as you did, about three years before. Divisional Forest Officer is my friend and he put me to trial by questioning me about some botanical matters. I gave him my own findings which were not so far known. He was already researching something about it and wrote down the points and later the research was found correct. There are so many other things. Now I again come to Shri Raghavendra Rao, who said this time in Gulbarga that there is a theory in Science of 'indiscrimination' which hampers the further research regarding electrons and ions. I told him the way if research be made by this method then the theory of indiscrimination will not work. Having regard to this matter, I gave him the further research and also told him that there is one atom near about. If you concentrate on it to reveal the character of the electrons and ions, then you will be saved from the theory of indiscrimination. We were walking on the street of Gulbarga, when he told me such a thing. Dr. I always praise you and myself.

...... The stage you are enjoying at present is the pretty realisation for others. But to me it is only a glimpse. Having this idea I have written to you that you have realised to the extent of your approach.


Merging point

You are perfectly right that you have no separate existence but let it flourish to its full length. I hope there will come a time when neither You will be there nor God Himself. That is the merging point. I don't think I am using the heathen language in the expression of the condition. You have written something about Kam etc. They will all come to moderation.


How happy am I to inform you that you are coming to the state of turiya.

The time was about 11 P.M. but I hesitate to give date that it was the Ist April, 1958. Let us see how much time you take in coming to its full fledged state.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 21st April, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


Reading the Condition

Your work as a preceptor is excellent. I find that all the abhyasis are improving in the very depth of being and its effect is coming from the depth to the surface. I have to learn this method. You have written that you are unable to read fully the mental and the physical condition of the abhyasi which is a very easy thing in comparison to your great work. Please read the abhyasi with confidence in yourself and you will see that it will be correct. You have got the capacity of reading. I assure you? but you are not sure that you can read it. That is the only difficulty in the way. Please take two or three cases of your satsanghis, read them internally whether they have darkness, grossness and so on and write me for the sake of verification. I shall devote some time so that you may develop this character also, although you are not wanting in it. This is a very easy thing.

My affection towards Shri Vedantam is growing day by day and I find that he is being purged of heaviness. The effect of your transmission is proceeding firmly and happily from the root to the surface.


I was elated to see the words of your sentence that you will not rest till the Ultimate condition is arrived at. It is for you and you will decidedly realise it., I' do not remember what I have written in the book regarding the state given under each granthis and the book is at Lakhimpur, but I remember that on your question in one of your letters I had written to you that your approach is on the ninth knot. After the ninth or tenth granthi I took the major ones because the difference between the minor knots was inexpressible. So I took the broader steps regarding these granthis and I finished the run of spiritual life on thirteen granthis. I conclude from these things that you are on the tenth knot.

Pt P1

I think I have given you my conception of realisation. When saint Kasturi reached the point of X Y she was in the state of Jivan moksha. Now she has to cross sixteen points more. She is now on the point P-1 where the circumstances are being created for forgetting the soul consciousness. But I cannot call her the full realised soul, but to other s she is a perfectly realised one. My Dr. if I think of any point or approach as ultimate, my thought will not travel further. Of course when an abhyasi creates laya avastha in Brahma my thought will automatically cease, because there is no programme of work for further approach.

Dry Regions

You have crossed the richer region and now you have entered the dry ones. The conditions of these spheres are mostly inexpressible, but you can relish the state and see its effects in yourself. I used to write to my Master my condition by way of diary, but the time came when even metaphorical language failed to express that. I hope your body idea will soon depart and please write to me to what extent it has faded out. I have touched upon this thing in Efficacy of Raja Yoga.

When Master's blessings are pouring in you what not you will have.

With best wishes to you. Love to children and my profound respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


April 28th 1958

My dear Revered and beloved Gurudev,


Please accept my sincere and loving pranams. I am in receipt of your kind letter dated 21 inst. It is all due to thy grace that I am able to do the precerptorial work efficiently. If the work is of the kind you have described the method also is due to thee. I do not know whether I know the roots from the stem, or branches.

Since thy wish is that I should not say that I am gross or ignorant, subtle or intelligent, I shall stop thinking about my condition, and let it go on.


The whole system has been in a state of peculiar excitement, which I am unable to describe. I had prayed for the fullness of this humble being by the Master so that I could experience the supersensuous states of sabda, sparsa, tejas, rasa and gandha. My internal condition then is one of excitement over the next step. Sometimes I feel almost that I should cease to be - so trying are the outer conditions -but I am looking out for the signs of Thee in me - of the merging of the Isvara in me, and me in the Isvara. Even consciousness seems to be a burden. How I wish I could dive into the ocean of Bliss.

Nothing is known about my service here. Hope there is of continuation. Only I do not know how the forces will work. Should one be precarious in spirituality.

Experience while working

Master so far as I know I tried to read the internal conditions. Sometimes I am successful after five or ten minutes. In the meanwhile my absorption in myself comes up and then again I. revert to my work of cleaning the abhyasi. They do not feel anything except improvement and calm, and in some cases I find that the abhyasis are getting into a state of absorption, unable to get up - it happened in the case of Somesvara Sarma who told me that he felt a great flare up of energy within him when I called a halt to the meditation. In another case, of V. Seetaramayya there was the descending flood of light removing all dirt. In the case of Dhond Rao , there was a sense of being absorbed. He seems to be developing extreme love.



Master, this is my prayer: Let me experience the Ultimate permanently in me. Be thou with me permanently.

I cannot express my feelings regarding the body idea. I shall write to you about it as soon as I see that fading out.

I had Thy article in the latest issue of Sahajmarg translated and read at the satsangh yesterday. Thy last words that Nature has taken up the work of purging the world of 'bhaktas' has been most encouraging news.


I am sometimes thinking whether Master the avyakta state of prakrti of Nature is working in the abhyasis when I transmit Thy Power and Light as it is suggested that it is samatva by the Samartha Guru in his latest publication in the, Sahai Marg. Perhaps that might be the reason why Thou suggest that I work from the roots to the surface.

Whatever is happening and will happen are in Thy hands. I can only surrender and abide by Thy will.

With loving pranams, I am yours,



Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 5th May, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Received your loving letter ...... Dr. I tell you my experience of satsangh that those who are intellectual, having full faith on our cult and God advance soon. Devotion of course counts much in the field.

I always desire that you remain happy in every way - worldly and spiritually and I am glad to hear from you that the difficulties of life do not touch you so painfully. Your experience on Sunday the 13th April was correct and you have done well in removing the darkness. If it remains anything of the sort, I will play my own part.


With best wishes to you and love to children. Respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 5th May, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Thinking and Feeling

After closing the above letter I received your affectionate letter dt. 28th April, '1958. I have written to you previously that you should not think or consider yourself as gross. I think there is a difference, between thinking and feeling. If you feel a thing, that means that there is the revelation of a certain thing. Thinking also has the idea of the thing which may be not there. There are two such powers which are awakened automatically in a yogi. One of them is that he can bring about the desired results by mere imagination. The other thing that comes in a yogi is attraction. This is all due to -the fact that you practise like that. You meditate on the heart waiting for His grace, that means you get into practice in inviting His grace. When this power develops to the highest degree of eminence, the greatest souls can appear before him at his bid. The next thing is when you meditate on light, for reality, the very attribute of God which you have made the point of meditation, brings the real thing at the bottom. So, please, if you feel anything, it must be written to me because feeling will continue. Feeling cannot deceive you. On the contrary, thinking if unwisely directed may bring the bad results.


You have depicted very good condition in Your letter regarding your excitement. Really we should be devoted to the Divine Master and this thing will help you in merging. Kabir has written very beautifully that, "The drop enters the ocean, is known to all and the ocean enters the drop is known to a few only." Now, I refer to your condition. I would like just to give you a hint. You have proceeded with the thought of Divine Master Now the condition changes. The Divine Master is Himself in Your own thought. The same condition is surely there in you, but let us see whether you feel like that or not. Kabir says, "I can only get rest, if Ram thinks of me." I remember that I have read in some of the Sufi literature, saying so, but the author has given only one word, "Mahboobiat" - "Object of love". How I wish, that all our associates may get into this condition. Those who are marching with faith and devotion, they come across all such conditions, a few feel and the other do not, but they all pass through these conditions.

Essence of Consciousness

How beautifully you have put in, that consciousness has become the burden to you. Dr., I think I am very fortunate to find such conditions among my associates. If you observe anything there in your system as consciousness, think that you have to go further off. I shall be elated if I see your approach above the consciousness which is the basis of the existence' All our inner activities should be faded out to observe super-sensuous states. The occidental philosophers may not believe it, because they have probably no such word as super-consciousness in their dictionary. Am I right doctor? We add the word state after the conscious of super-conscious, which is itself a proof that these are mere conditions and we have to go far above them. It may be the essence of all these consciousness. If we reach that stage, that means we are abiding in Ishwar, but the journey or yatra is not finished as yet. I would stop here.

Idea of Existence

You have asked me, "If one should be precarious in spirituality. "I think this is the question to be solved by men of your calibre. I can, however, give my own view. As long as we have the idea of our own existence, the Master is there and service becomes obligatory to us. We a bide by His Will praying at the same time for our good, because it becomes our duty as a devotee to lay before our master the shortcomings and difficulties. When anyhow, we are aware of the idea of our existence and also of God then the Master and the servant both almost converge themselves into one unity that is 'Real'. I tell you Doctor, my idea that there always remains a bondage as long as we exist in physical form. There are of course, the stages, which one shall have to cross i.e., all the circles mentioned in Reality at Dawn. But if the bondage is not kept on the last circle, the soul will leave the body to its original Existence.

When the bondage is there, the idea of our existence is also there. The idea of course remains in a sleeping condition i.e., in a nascent State. Our duty too comes in consonance with it.

Reading of condition

You are successful in reading the internal condition of abhyasi but your absorption puts a check to it. This will occur with every reader, if he proceeds in your way. When you want to know a thing, concentrate on the abhyasi, but do not increase the depth of .concentration. If there is the depth, the God will begin to charge you with His grace, and absorption will be the result. The effect of your transmission is so powerful that the abhyasi becomes absorbed in the inner power and the different senses do not work in that case. So they do not get, up. I tell you one more thing, the abhyasis who easily go into that condition are good media. When the sun shines, the darkness dispels and when you shine in the heart of abhyasi the dirt finds its exit.



What I have written in my previous letter means that (your power acts at the very root from which we grow), that it influences the outer coverings to be torn off. It is really samatva by the Samartha Guru of Fatehgarh, which works through us. When we did not come in contact with the Master, we could do nothing. If you want to ask anything further in this connection, please write to me. It is very pleasing to me that you are taking a great pain, in serving the associates spiritually for which, I can only pray, that your services may be counted. .....


With best wishes to you and love to children. My respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


5th May 1958

My dear Gurudev,

Please accept my loving pranams. All of us are keeping fit. I have not yet heard from the University about myself. I have placed myself at the hands of the Master and am having a quiet resignation.

I have been full of Thy energy these days. Indeed I have been trying to bring down the spiritual energy from the Central Region to play more and more on the adharas of the abhyasis. I believe that is thy will. I found that Shri C.R. Krishnamurthi telling me that he had begun to experience the ajap for a couple of minutes last week. I indeed did that transmission last week. I am almost all the time anxious to merge myself, to dive into the depths of the Infinite Bhuma.

Loss of Body Consciousness

..... Regarding the loss of body consciousness, I have to report that the other day when I was meditating, it seems I scratched myself (my wife reported that), but I was utterly unaware of that action. I believe this is mentioned in Thy book in the very manner. I do not know whether that means loss of body consciousness.

With love,




Shahjahanpur U.P.

Dated 8th May, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Will of the Master

Received your loving letter dated 5th May, 1958. How I wish that your service may remain continued and I pray for that. That is the only remedy open to us; the result remains with Him and Him alone. We should adjust ourselves abiding by His will. If He closes one door, He opens some other,


With best wishes to you and love to children. Respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


22nd May 1958

My dear Revered and beloved Gurudev,

The fortnight has been mainly uneventful. I cannot clearly describe my condition. It is a kind of quiet, sometimes I am deeply aware of Thy power and grace - one day I felt myself full of fire and energy. I pray that my consciousness of thee may be permanent and Thou reside in me permanently.

With humble pranams,




Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 5th June, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Received all your loving letters. I feel it a matter of pride to find that most of the members there improving and a few having begun to experience ajapa. I wish that by the time this letter reaches you ajapa may have started in every satsanghi there. I appreciate your idea of merging into the depth of the Infinite Bhuma. The very craving for it brings the goal nearer.

Stages of progress

I have given in the Efficacy of Raja Yoga that a sleeping man being stung by the mosquitoes begins to rub or scratch the spot involuntarily and unconsciously. I thereby mean to say that all our worldly actions also should be done in the same way so that they might produce no impression upon the mind. If the impressions are there you are the doer of all things and the formation of samskaras is there. Forgetting of the body-idea means that your mind does not feel in any way that you are embodied. I think the condition is there. When you forget the body idea in to you come to the regime of soul. When you forget the soul-idea then you have entered into Reality. When that too is gone you are nearest to Bhuma.

Disembodied Souls

You have written that some disembodied souls seem to receive transmission from you. It often happens with other preceptors too. The souls do come to receive benefit from the effect of transmission. I think I had told you about it when I was there with you.

When you feel yourself there you are full of energy and when you are not there the Divine Master shines in you.

Condition of Vacantness

If you see the shadow you feel some material thing behind, or the smoke, giving clue of the fire. Similarly vacantness (using the word in the unusual sense for vacuity) reflects signs of Divinity. When a man begins to absorb in Brahm, the first symptom of it is that he feels himself vacuumised and at, its highest limit laya avastha begins. If at times You feel vacant ness that means Brahm has begun to give Its own clue. Like ultraviolet rays which are used for curing physical diseases, vacantness too is a means for removing defilements. Now Nature is helping you and as you proceed on, her work becomes stronger and that is the idea of Dry region. Maya begins to melt away and dryness begins to follow, as you become poorer by losing sight of enrichment. In short you begin to get free from the moisture of the world as you proceed on.

Centre of Maya

..... the azure blue colour witnessed in her by you, denotes that she has developed some occult powers as the colour, referred to above is closely related with vishudha, chakra, which is also known as durga chakra and is the centre of maya in pind desh. Her thought seems to be more within the state of fluttering than of soaring.

With best wishes to you and love to children and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 8th June, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Yatra of Point A

For the rest of your letter, about your own spiritual condition I may say that I am grateful to my Master who has bestowed upon you such a nice spiritual state. I feel that your yatra of point 'A' is now over. I wish you may step on to the next point by yourself for which I am trying and I think it will be so within a few days.

With best wishes to you and love to children and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


June 14th 1958

My dear beloved and revered Gurudev,



I am deeply sensible of the love and affection that the Master has for my humble self and pray to Him of all wisdom and light and glory to lead me to the Ultimate. I have only one idea now, that of attaining the Ultimate and by Thy grace and I hope that my love for thee may grow more and more intense and concentrated as to be constant remembrance.

With all my soul and being yours,




3rd June 1958

My dear and beloved Gurudev,


Reading of Condition - Clarifications

I have not been able to express myself clearly about many things. It may well be asked when is the clear reading of a person made possible? In some cases it has been seen that my own light is reflected from the others? What is the possible explanation seeing recently almost all as coloured by the blue lighting?

Report of Condition

Regarding my experience of the present state or stage I have to submit that it is very dry. Infrequently I have the experience of fullness as in the last satsangh yesterday. Master, how can I say that I have gone beyond or far ahead of the gentlemen you had mentioned in your last letter?

Things here are in the outer world much the same and indeed nothing has been clarified. I am attending the College from the 26th instant as no contrary order had been passed. Further the new set up does not promise any good work to be done. I cannot of course get reconciled to this except by feeling that All is for the best in the long run. It is this that continues to cause anguish and depression. Yet one finds that one has to carry on the running of the family and employment seems to be the only way. To make ends meet. Resignation to God is the only way as far as I can see, and I believe I have done it to God and Thee.

In the meanwhile I am praying that light be granted to me to be able to do my work for thee and be able to serve the Master, I know that but for thy grace the work could not be done and further I am aware that though I am not perfect thou makest it appear all the work as perfect. Transmission is by thee alone and I seem to be just an imperfect conduit pipe, unconscious of the flow of Thy energy. I pray for more and more illumination of the path and the highest achievement of union with Thee -- the ultimate.


With loving pranams,




Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 30th June, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Received your affectionate letter of 14th June, 1958. I could not reply earlier due to the unhappy incident of Dinesh's death. He was a young man of character and firm will, possessing a sound physique. He was bold and courageous but at the same time obedient and respectful towards the elders. By nature he was silent type with firm determination. He was not excited by the news of failure but remained perfectly calm and peaceful, busy with his own plans, perhaps. His death has opened for me a new chapter to think over. I put clown the same to you for the correct solution.

We must have faith in God and the Divine Will, which is the last resort of us all. But being a free thinker, I feel induced to trace out the real cause of the incident on the basis of my experience and whether it could be averted or not.

A few days after his examination was over an idea flashed across my mind that he may likely shoot himself if he fails in the examination. But the thought disappeared the very moment it arose. Again on the day of occurrence, the same idea came in several times, but I paid no heed to it. Why? I do not know. Nature's Will over-rules everything, but I feel bold enough to assert, irreligious though it might be, that it could be stopped or averted if I had attended to the thought arising within my mind. Usually in all such cases related to my Associates, I am always alert and do my best to remove the effect of shock instantly. Why I failed to attend in this particular case is a mystery to me! His suicidal tendencies were known to my mind and could very easily be removed by the exercise of spiritual force or by administering some Homeopathy medicines for the purpose. I failed to do anything find he went off uncared for in this respect. Was it the Divine will or the result of my careless inattentiveness?

For some instances of the kind I may say that once one of my associates (a man of very ordinary standing of only a few months) chanced to meet two of his friends who had resolved firmly to commit suicide and were going to bring their plan into action. He talked to them for some time, inwardly meditating on the thought that my power was working through him to change their minds. After a few minutes they confessed that they had given up the idea of suicide.

Shri Kashi Ram of Tinsukia once resolved to end his life by striking his head against the Wall in a fit of devotional madness. But the moment he stood up for it, he saw me in a vision, pulling him aside and rebuking him for it.

Another incident happened two years ago when he was Leaving this place for Assam. Finding him to be very sad and remorseful, I told him that I shall accompany him during the entire journey.

He realised my presence all along. During the course of journey he had to cross the Brahmaputra by steamer. But as no steamer was available at the time he preferred to take up a boat in order to avoid delay. But unfortunately the boat began to capsize in the middle of the river. All of a sudden my mind echoed that Kashi Ram's boat was in danger. Instantly I rushed to the spot in the astral form and carried him safely to the other bank. Kashi Ram felt that he saw my form in the river supporting the boat right and left till it got safely to the bank.

As for Dinesh just before committing suicide, he offered the last moment homage, with real faith to my Master and then thinking of me he pulled the trigger. He had great faith in me and my Master, this I did not know before. Regarding his inner state he was all light within, having a very pure heart. As the result he was already in a state of elevation at which the formation of samskaras ceases. After his death I studied his case and found very few samskaras of the past life in him, which could be very easily exhausted within this very life. The suicidal ideas were of course there in heaps which I cleared off and burnt down. Soon after, the soul appeared to me and fell down at my feet saying that he was very sorry for all that had been done and apologised for it, stating that he could not gain liberation unless I pardoned him. I pardoned him and he is now in the Brighter World.

Now the mystery for you to solve. If it is taken as a Divine Will, no question arises at all. But if it is weighed philosophically, the theory of determination and indetermination comes in.

Divine Light perceptions

Let me come to your letter referred to above. It is good, what I had written to you about Shri Aurobindoji tallies with your astrological perceptions also. If you want anything further about the inner history of his spiritual pursuit it can also be given to you in a nutshell. I tell you one thing in this connection. Before he regularly started spiritual practice blue light appeared in his heart which he took to be from Lord Krishna. It is not a new thing. It can occur in different ways to individuals who have got pious heart. The amalgamation of thought according to its tendency with the matter, produces light according to it. Since he was highly intellectual the same colour he noticed in the form of light. our method is systematic and we allow the different colours to come in the natural way. To those who take up the coloured light, it also changes in its different stages, but the process to get the right thing is prolonged.


I have given in the Efficacy of Raja Yoga that consciousness is not our goal. The time is soon at hand when you will actually realise it yourself, because you have already crossed the major portion of consciousness. When you cross all these states of consciousness you will come to a dormant stage or the silent type of consciousness. When you go farther into it, you will have immense power at your command. I think it may not be a vain assertion to say that the rotation of earth can be stopped for some moments if that power is utilised. It can be utilised for general good of the world; change of season can be affected by it; rain can be brought in at any time. But however we may proceed on we have to remain dependent to the Divine. I tell you one thing more which may seem to be contradictory to the above view. When Nature gives sole charge of a work to any one, She does not then meddle with what he does in that respect.

Atri Rishi

Let me tell you that Atri Rishi who is still alive and resides in Himalayan region is as handsome as you are and your features resemble his to a great extent. He is in charge of the adjustment of seasons. If he does anything nature will not interfere in it. He does what is needed. Only if any commanding authority orders him to have showers he is bound to do that. He can do it himself if it is within the range of his programme. I have written all this simply for the sake of your general information.


Swami Vivekananda

I shall also go through the book Swami Vivekanand in America which you are going to review. But that will be possible only when I am there in my next tour. Swami Vivekanand was indeed a very high personality. His master once revealed to me that he could make only one man and he, had transferred all his powers to him, while on death bed, just as my Master had done in my case. I have previously pointed out to you that when a saint of calibre leaves the world the power he possessed is left for the disciples. If there is no disciple able to digest it he has then to wait for the purpose or transfer it to another capable man without any regard to sanstha. By his Master's order he did transfer his power to me claiming me to be his representative. I had to accept it under instructions from my Master. Two more saints have done likewise. I find a similar example among Sufis where a great saint had nominated his representative after a lapse of 150 years. My Master has instructed me to take Swami Vivekanand also as master and that his orders, require no confirmation from him. He has severed his connection from his own sanstha in 1949 when I was on tour to Gaya along with Ishwar Sahai. Since then the curvature has started in that sanstha and it is now going down towards degeneration, as Shri Krishnamurti of Madras has already guessed. Under directions from Swamiji I had intimated this fact to the President of Ram Krishna Mission Calcutta requesting him to connect his dynamo with me to receive spiritual help. There was no reply. Probably he took me to be a man of insane mind.


With good wishes and love to children, and due respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra




My dear Beloved Master,

Please accept my salutations and pranams. I received your loving letter. I can well appreciate the deep distress that has been caused by the death of Dinesh. Indeed for men other than thy calibre it would have been terrible. but th distress in Thy case is not merely love but the peculiar hand of fate. I remember challenging Aurobindonites who said that though astrology is true yet the Yogi transcends the laws and determinations of the starts. All that can be done is that we can utilise the forces of the stars for the higher purposes of higher evolution. Indeed this death is an opening to Ch. Dinesh quicker to the liberation he asked for free from the maddening crises of examinations, which examine nothing at all really. Even so the death of Aurobindoji must be an opener to new frontiers to him, frontiers he would not recognize as he was committed gravely to different view. The problem of determinism and freedom of will or the power to change the natural law or change over to another law is indeed beyond most of s. I cannot say that there was dereliction or non-alertness, something deep in Thy Being must have prompted the neglect to take precaution. That is the Divine Will, with which Thou art indeed identified. That shows thy transcendence. We have not been able to explain why there should be this neglect to take warnings at home. There must have been a deep feeling of the Master taking care of one's own. The secret meaning of this the Master alone can say. It is exactly a similar situation to what Naciketas forbade when he asked what happens to one on release: does he exist or does he not? However I must pray to the Master to bear with this calamity and protect His heart which is very tender and sensitive to this. Our philosophy has no answer to this except to say that man hopes he is free and deeply feels that he ought to be free to change all natural laws. Hence all our effort.

It felt that this news may not be distributed to all but since it has been done I pray to God that all satsanghis will pray for the Master's Health and the welfare of the departed soul, however misguided. I personally do not like mystery but things to happen that lead us beyond the level of ordinary perception.


Supreme Personality

Master when I had been trying to observe thee of late frequently I discovered that in Thee there was hardly any stir or movement', but the calm plenitude of the dusky dawn - colourless but sometimes glowing with subdued light. Then I knew that thou art, indeed the supreme Personality. This has been very constant and I prayed that I may perceive thy form also.

Thou sayest that very soon I shall reach the silent, consciousness which is beyond all consciousness. I am eagerly looking forward to that stage when

I shall drown myself in Thee. Digested by Thee. I shall, discover the true poise of being I hope.

Though I find myself incompetent to console Thee yet I know that it is most difficult to console the children and Mataji at home. The mystery of death is indeed the profoundest mystery and if our yoga can open up the frontiers of this would beyond it would perhaps remove the, terrors and agonies of death. It has to be some thing that comes with the vividness of a real experience and that is one of the many yearnings in my humble heart.



Thy kindness and love to me are such that thou, attributest achievements to me when really it is the Master's. All progress in this place is due to Thy Grace and presence within -me and with me permanently.


With love,




11th July 1958

My dear Revered and beloved Gurudev,

I once remember to have read the wise saying of a Greek Satyr: "The first best is not to be born: the second best is to die at once. " Such a purified soul as Dinesh must have felt this call. Thou hast thyself told me not to give sittings to students and boys who are yet studying and that is presumably because they discover that there are more things than study can give.


Divine Light

I have been feeling thy presence and full force during the sittings at the satsangh on Sunday mornings. I have also been perceiving pressure in different parts of the head. I perceive, continuously 'Thee' as a firm light colourless. I do not perceive Thy Form but the formless and indeed this seems to be for me the only way of perception of the rest of the sadhakas too. I pray Master that thou mayest grant me the prayer to be able to see, hear and mind all through thy divine vision, audition and mentation, so that I may cross over this ignorance. It is true that for the first time during the past few weeks I have been finding myself to be all light - more like the moonlight than the sunlight. Surely I think one reflects the Divine light.

The love for thee may it grow every day till I can be drowned in Thee or more fully get digested in thee.


Praying that I may attain the Ultimate and know all by thy grace and for thy work, I offer my loving pranams to you,

yours as body,



Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 15th July, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

..... I do not keep any secret and want to stand before you as naked as I was when I was born for the first time. It will be revealed to you sooner or later because you are gradually coming in conformity with me. I remember that if I find anything substantial in me, Kasturi's thought was there to reveal it. There are one or two such examples more. There is no mystery in Nature herself. It is our complex thinking alone that has made it such. Believe me, my dear Varadachari, that at the time of Dinesh's death, I was perfectly well-balanced, and still I do not lose it even for a moment. When I study myself I do not find any feeling of grief or sorrow within, but as my heart is tender and habituated to feel the pangs of others it sometimes plays its part momentarily in this case too. .....

Divine Will

As you say in your letter that you have not been able to explain why there should be the neglect to take warnings at home. The other day my revered Master, verifying all that you have written about the Divine Will , said to me that the Happening was bound to come and when the idea of his suicidal tendency come to my mind, it was He, who had made me forget it instantly, so that I may not exercise the powers bestowed by Him for averting the incident. Look here, my Varadachari we cannot meddle with what is ordained. Regarding the change in natural laws, Lord Krishna will have to come, down again, if needed.

Reading the Condition

Doctor! You say that you fall short of reading others, I find that you have got a very good anubhava shakti, and the few lines that you have written about me offer ample proof of it. you have rightly depicted my inner state so far as I understand it myself. When the consciousness grows dull and assumes the form of silent type, the reading of such things becomes easier and you are coming to that level. Please recall to your mind the incident I wrote to you about some time ago, concerning Shri Radhakrishnan at Trichy. He wanted to judge me, but as he was not internally so deep to be able to know what I am really bestowed with, I got down to the elementary stage and made the vibrations stronger to give him the clue. It is really wonderful for you to come to know of my position, and this shows that you are so deeply connected with my inner being. If a saint tries to judge me internally, he will come to the conclusion that either I am a dunce or only a simple-minded fellow (if he takes a favourable view). When a man reaches the final state of Negation, his actual depth can hardly be fathomed. I tell you plainly that I am still unable to know the real depth of my great Master.

You want to know about the other personalities, hinted at in my last letter. They are Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Mahatma Buddha. Besides these great personalities, I was offered field for work by Christ himself during the war time, giving the result of war beforehand and also by Guru Nanak. But I offered my apology to them for thrusting myself into it of my own accord, promising to do my best if one required my services of his own free will. There are so many other saints, whom I do not even know have also transmitted to me in dreams and allowed me to take up their work. This had also been the case with my Master too. Lord Krishna is the Head and Supreme Patron of our sanstha and the name Sahaj Marg came direct from Him. The very words echoed distinctly through the vibrations received direct from Him.


Regarding the mystery of death, I can only say (but that of course requires practical experience) that when an abhyasi is favoured by God to have a jump into the everlasting peace and unbroken silence, he does not then like to stay in the body even for a moment. But he is made, to live till the time matures-for his death, by means of bondage kept in it. When a man having body goes beyond the sixteenth circle he does not like to live a material life. I prayed long to my Master to let me stay in that condition permanently without any bondage, so that I may have enough experience to bring that thing to common view. He was kind enough to grant my request and had kept me in that state for twenty four hours and His will instead of bondage was working to keep up the material existence. The experience I got was that I grew dumb. But I can give this experience to those only whose inner state warrants it.

The agony of death becomes bitter only when the idea of body sense is present. When that is gone there remains then the soul-idea fo be forgotten. When that too is gone for good, you have secured the Union and the idea of existence is extinct.

So long as we recognise the world as it is, we hatch in the difference between this and the world beyond. When this difference disappears the whole Universe seems alike, rather it turns into Wilderness, which is a real pitch felt in the Brighter World. We then get into conformity with the real spirit, marking both the worlds, the material and the Brighter. There remains then no difference and no barrier and we feel the same air everywhere, in the material world or in higher planes. That may in a way be expressed as the drowning state in real spirit where everything abandons us. The condition is not so difficult as it seems to be and it comes by itself through practice under the system of Sahaj Marg. It is the easiest because it has no material base. There remains then no difference between life and death, both appearing in true sense to be mere relative terms. This is what I meant by the phrase, "the structure falls off," used in the Efficacy of Raja Yoga.

After dictating the above I received your next letter of 11th July, 1958. Your intense devotion gives me such immense happiness that I am sometimes led to think that with all my spiritual services to you I am still wanting in giving you due return of it.

Divine Light

The light becomes 'The Light', when its glow or luster fades away, The Dawn colour being the material exposition of it. Regarding Mr. Y.K. Lakshman's feeling of a soothing sensation in the red colour I may say that that being the colour of the point No.2 known as the seat, of Atman, gives him peace. As for the feeling of disquietness in the blue colour, I think that he has practised some yoga like things previously, which if he reveals them to me I may be in better position to explain. Meanwhile I shall however see that the discomfort thereby is removed.


I may here put before you my latest experience about one of my associates. When he came to me for the first time about three years ago he was extremely gross. I removed the grossness to my best capacity. When this year he came for the second time, I found him full again, but with the subtle form of grossness and it becomes the hardest task to correct the subtle state of grossness. By the Master's grace I traced out the cause with great difficulty. It was, he relied more upon his own labours than upon the grace of God. This is a new experience to me. You will please impress upon every satsanghi to rely upon God's grace, doing his duty faithfully.

Please convey my respects to Appaii.

With best wishes and love to children,


Ram Chandra



July 24th 1958

My dear and beloved Gurudev,

Point B

Please accept my humble pranams of love. I do not know how to express myself before such love as thine. But for thy Grace I do not think that I could have been able to perceive thy condition at all, for it is something so high. I do not know why I am unable always to keep up that vision, which only means it is due to thy grace. I have hardly any views on many matters since I find that no distinction can be drawn between living and the dead. I do not know whether this is the nature of point B. I suffered exquisitely from herpes zoster for twelve days on the left shoulder and left scapula. I have somehow learnt the art of enjoying physical pain. You have asked me to note my condition. I have been rather in a difficulty about this being untrained in self-observation in the sense you want. By thy grace I think I will be able to do it. Anyhow I found that my superficial and surface thoughts have a knack of obtruding whenever I begin to give sittings and it used to require an act of prayer and will to proceed with the sitting. However in the meanwhile the abhyasis did feel nothing of this but experienced thy presence etc ... I pray to thee to grant me the capacity to throw out all such interferences of my superficial life. Secondly I found that I wish to spend my time in doing thy work - spiritual - rather than seek to attain the Ultimate myself Today I found that I want to reach the Ultimate alone. This difference in attitudes is rather funny. I know that it is thy wish that each one of us should experience the Ultimate and the path of Return rather than try to see what the Master previously states about it, as that would lead to prejudgment. Individual judgment has to be developed and cultivated. I pray that this new faculty may develop in me steadily. Master alone can grant me this.


Humality and Aspiration

It is so very kind of the Samartha Guru to 'verify' but there is surely a vast difference between my ignorance and His Omniscience. Thy affection for me is surely very deep and I do not know how I am fit to receive thy Grace at all. This is a mystery for me. Could you explain this. Every day I feel I am in the Kingdom of Grace. Is this the passing beyond to the points A, B..... ? There are so many things that I wish to write and discuss and know and experience. I am looking forward to the experience and understanding of the different centres and points by thy grace. I am so happy that the abhyasis are moving towards the real experience by thy Grace.

Children have all joined the College. My wife's health is better. I am trying my very best to help my father. But thy grace is all effective and by that I hope to live and move and have my being.

With loving pranams,

Yours as body,



Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 9th August, 1958

My dear brother Varadachari,

Received your loving letter dated 24th July, 1958. It is good that you have perceived my inner condition. It really shows how much tenderly you are connected with me.


I have often written to you whatever good and virtue you feel in yourself is all your merit. I would like to quote a Persian poet, "Love takes its abode in the heart of a beloved before it brings lover to him. It is the candle that kindles first before the moth comes to it."

Point B - Condition

When Saint Kasturi was on point B, I had described the condition laid in the letter, but my memory is not sharp. I forgot it, what I read from your condition and described by you also is surely the condition of point B. The consciousness with which you are connected with the material world is growing dull and void. The condition if you study deeply, you will find that there is some feeling what one feels in the grey of the morning, At the time of dictating letter I found that there is something which prevents you in feeling it. I will devote myself hereinafter to remove it.

Your sentence that you have learnt the art of enjoying physical pain reminded me of my Master. In his last days he was suffering from liver abscess, and the pain was acute in nature and unbearable. During that time he used to sing bhajan (the song sung in the praise of God) instead of wasting time in crying. He was one of the best singers. He knew the art of singing with the help of chakras. This seems to be his own discovery. I also consulted a few famous singers about it but they were silent saying that only the higher saints can sing in this way. He used to sing sometimes from brahmandi sur and the result was that all of us were in the state of trance.


If superfluous thoughts come when you transmit others, you should not worry about. Mostly they are not yours. But they appear like that on account of the push from behind. Sometimes the thoughts of the abhyasis strike when you are transmitting them. The environment brings about these things because the yogi begins to be super-conscious and sensitive and cleaned. Even a little darkness appears to him like a heap. I give you an example as to what the environment affects. A few years ago I was at Mathura and meditated at the place where Lord Krishna was born. There the mosque stands; the thoughts of theft began to resound while sitting in meditation on the platform of the mosque. I opened my eyes for a little while and then again went into the meditation. To my utter despair the same thoughts crept again. I studied the situation and came to know that this is the den of thieves which after enquiry found to be correct.

I give you another example of the same type.

I was at Hardwar sometimes back and put up in a chaultry' I meditated in the room allotted to me and found that a woman appeared before me- with her throat lanced. When this scene remained for sometime I opened my eyes and stopped meditation for a few minutes. When I meditated again the same appearance and the scene was coming to my view. I then studied the case and found that the same woman was assassinated there and buried on the spot where I was sitting in meditation. I could not guess as how much time elapsed before she was killed. I cleaned the spot affected and transmitted the dead lady for the peace of her soul ' After doing this I found that every thing was calm and quiet and dead lady was coming no more to my view. There are so many examples connected with me and my Master.

I am exceedingly happy to note that you want to spend your time in spiritual work so dear to me and Master for the good of the mankind in preference to your own advancement. It shows how broader heart you have got. In such cases God helps with both hands enriching one spiritually. On the contrary you felt that you yourself want to reach the goal. This is of course funny, but since you have the, idea of realising the Ultimate in the bottom of your heart, it clings to achieve the One-Ultimate.

Anubhava Shakti

My Master used to say that I brought the anubhava shakti from the past life, but still to develop it. I used to remember my Master constantly, linking at the same time to the condition which I used to have in the flight. I got accustomed to do two things together. If you take care a little your practice will bring the desired result. I assure you that you are not wanting in anubhava shakti but the way by which it is brought out requires improvement.


May our Appaji live for hundreds of years, but as there is limit to it also, so it becomes our sacred duty as his children to send him free when the time matures for it. If we fail in this duty we are not free from parental debt.


With best wishes to you and love to children. Respect to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 14th August, 1958

My dear Varadachari,



If I put up the atrocities of your opponents before God for justice, I fear the faulty persons will be duly dealt with. But I have never done such a thing so far, in spite of the fact that often in my life I had to pass through such circumstances.

Complete Resignation

I tell you an episode from my life. After my father's death on 7th January, 1933 one of my uncles (distantly related) wanted to have in charge of the management of our estate, so that he may have a chance of deriving all possible advantage by fair or foul means. I and my brother both did not accept his offer and this turned him into an Opponent. For years together he remained so, creating difficulties for me at every step by underhand means up till his very death in 1956 he went on with his activities setting up causes of worry, harassments and loss for me. He excited persons against me, tried to involve me in law cases or other entanglements. He even did not restrain from gangsterism in order to harm me in any possible way. Though I too, being in possession of a state had every means to pay him in his own coins, I never made up my mind for it. I bore everything patiently and calmly remaining ever on the defensive side with no intention to retaliate. During his last days his own policy turned against him.

Another incident is connected with Shri Kashi Ram of Tinsukia (Assam). His brother-in-law (i.e., sister's husband) who was also a partner to his business was somehow kidnapped and murdered. His dead body was found lying on the back of his house after five months and it showed signs that murder had taken place about a month ago. At that time Shri Kashi Ram was here. When he went back the Superintendent of Police came to him for enquiry suspecting him to be a culprit. Shri Kashi Ram's thought took a strange turn. He began to see S.P. who was interrogating him in my form with extreme love. A few minutes after the S.P. was moved to tears and embraced Shri Kashi Ram warmly assuring him that he was convinced of his innocence. He further promised to trace out the real culprits soon and since then he is ardently busy with it and has made several arrests. All the time he was calm and fearless in complete resignation.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 14th August, 1958

My dear Varadachari,



You rightly conclude that the work of the Mission is the work of the Master. It is for this reason that a preceptor can take up work, according to need in any area, without consulting me. The divisions are only for the purpose of regulating the activities of the individuals and making them feel their respective responsibilities for the spiritual good of the abhyasis.


I have great consideration for your health. The thoughts flashing across a trainer's mind do not affect an abhyasi, because it is the Divine current, which after descending upon the trainer passes on through him to the abhyasi. Besides the impulse imparted to the abhyasi is regulated in accordance with the suggestions you offer.

I wonder how you say that you are lacking in perception. Your reading of the inner state of Appaji and of others, so far, has been quite correct. It is, in my opinion, not the lack of perception but of confidence. It can be removed if you only apply your insight and feel satisfied with what comes to your view internally.

With best wishes and love to children. My respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 29th August/1st September, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


You see yourself in everything, that is a good spiritual state. It will be rarefied as you proceed till everything goes away. It is no doubt a remarkable anubhava that you saw me entering your body, it shows a laya avastha in a good state. If you search deep in you, you will find my abode in you.

Yatra(Pts B and C)

I Put You to the point 'C' along with point 'B' near about 15th of August. Now the yatra of both the points is running side by side. I want that, when I get the opportunity of meeting you, you may be able to cross the 5 or 6 points out of your own endeavour and let us pray for it. The levitation you felt is the seedling for the reality, it will end in negation ultimately. I hope the reality is soon to dawn on you. Everybody will call your present state a good presence of reality, but this is not the end of our efforts, I have yet to take you further along. The light as luminous grey is a sign of real light.

With Best respects to Appaji and love to you and the children.


Ram Chandra


6th September 1958

My dear Beloved and revered Gurudev,

Intense Longing

Personally I am yet going through the double movement - my outer self and Thy supreme power in transmission - when these two get to be one I believe it will mean a great advance. When it would be that my dissolution in Thee or God will mean that perception of all Reality and in Reality and for Reality?


With loving pranams,




Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 14th September, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Received your affectionate letter dated 2nd September, 1958 and 6th September, 1958.


When I look into you I found my presence in your body. The feeling of vacuity is a happy sign and will work as a foundation stone of negation. When you arrive at the depth of vacuity, the condition becomes remarkably good. When that state too bids farewell, God is nearest.

We have all kept fast on 5th September on Shri Krishna's Janmashtami and I myself have transmitted the men keeping fast on 5th and 6th September. .....


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 25/26th September, 1958


Point of Saraswati

I am perfectly sure that the attractiveness of our Mission will prove real and will not remain simply a hope and I feel that it will be proved so through you. When you will begin to bring up the real thing I have strong hopes that the super-conscious state will work as is also the experience of a few of my advanced associates. Before writing the above I studied a little about your inner system and I came to the conclusion that the points of saraswati is in awakening state. If any one of us recites the mantram of Rig Veda pertaining to saraswati the stress effects the points described hereafter, as verified by my conclusions:-

It will become more glittering if a little more attention is paid to it for which I pray.

Point of Saraswati

Satisfaction a block

(Your letter dated 18th September, 1958) - How much pleasure, excuse me, I feel when I see in your letter that it does not give you any satisfaction at all, because if a man is satisfied at any stage that means he has blocked the way for his further progress. I remained so restless for years together, but it had some taste. I remember I have spoken this thing before the gathering of my associated that the taste I found in ashanti state is not found in shanti, but then there came a time when I was thoroughly satisfied, since then I felt neither shanti nor ashanti.

With best wishes, and love to children. Respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra



30th Sept. 1958

My dear Revered Gurudev,


Sometimes I have felt it impossible- to do anything, no inclination to anything at all. My thoughts move only towards thee and the ideal for I feel that not until I am able to experience, attain and enter in that I would be competent at all to speak or write about any of the truths of being or reality or work, or speak about the same.

With loving pranams,

yours as body,



Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 24th October, 1958

My dear Varadachari,

Received all your letters, which I shall reply one by one after about a week. For your consolation I may say that I do not feel the least disturbed by the collapse of the house which was only 28 years old. On the other hand I feel rather happier in a way. The current of the river, after washing away the Railway line, close by, had diverted its course direct towards my house, striking the rear wall with full force and it was but the Divine grace that saved the portion of the house which survived. Regarding your query as to how you can help me, I think the best way would be to pray that I may remain as happy as I am today, even though the sky falls upon my head.

With Best respects to Appaji and love to you and the children.


Ram Chandra



2nd November 1958

My dear Revered Gurudev,


Intense Longing

I have been going through a very peculiar period. Dryness and even a kind of invasion of all sorts of personal thoughts during meditation and sittings. Yet the abhyasis to whom I was giving sittings had been very much profited and reached somewhat the states of samadhi both in the satsangh and individual sittings. I have been praying to the Master to absorb me more and more so that I could go beyond to the condition of beyond-mind and recover the memory that goes beyond this life. I do not know at what stage I am. I dare not think that I am just staying at one place. I pray for the Ultimate progress and end. A kind of intense longing has come to me to be able to reach the state of utter negation about which thou hast written. I do not know when it would be possible.

Love for Master

I learn that thy health is not as good as desirable, and thou art becoming weaker - is it a case of sacrificing thyself for us? Master I do not know why I love thee so much so much so I am almost all the time thinking of thee. Thou hast poured thyself into me and yet I have not risen to the heights of spiritual being or fit for the permanent indwelling of the All in me.


My regards to Brother Ishwar Sahai and love to all children.

With love, Yours,



Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 12th November, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


Doubt and Will

I mark a peculiar thing in me that sometimes when I say "I will do a thing if God offers me an opportunity for it," I always fail to do it. For example this time I have informed all South Indian associates that I shall be there in December 1958 if God offers me an opportunity for the same. But I find I am failing to do it. But when I fix time and date I never fail to abide by it. I thought over it and philosophically I arrived at the conclusion that when I doubt I seek the will of God. The doubt itself brings the contrary result. I shall, therefore, advise my friends and associates not to let doubt come to their mind in any form because the inner force makes it stronger. Swami Vivekanand has somewhere said, irreligious though it might be, that the, "Weak is not helped by God." So whatever we are to do we must make our will firm and corroborate it with His Will as far as we can.

Your opinion about my health being due to some cosmic or super-cosmic events, may be correct. I find that something does come to me inwardly and it is diverted to others. But some of it definitely remains within me in the form of samskaras for the purpose of keeping up my life. Any inner voice once revealed to me that a saint is the target of world sorrow and misery.

I am glad to find that your perception of the abhyasis is mostly correct, and I assure you that it will always be so. The first impression which strikes with firmness is always correct. If you doubt about it that will lead you to wrong conclusions because it will create an adverse effect as you have power in you.


It is a fact that you have been favoured with a vision of my state and you have also felt that I am occupying you, though not constantly yet. In this respect I may say that 'Supreme' (as you say) has taken charge of you. That is one of the reasons that the associates are spiritually benefited by Your company. You do not feel it constantly but the thing is there. The reason why you do not feel it constantly is that sometimes you are diverted to other work but when you again return to your own condition you feel that. Your feeling that I am automatically with you when you remember me and very often during satsanghs, is correct.


Dryness which you feel is the foundation of the state that will lead to Negation. Regarding invasion of thoughts I want to know whether it happens at all times or at meditation hours or satsangh. >I devoted a few minutes every day before flood incident, to clear the sphere of your individual mind and I am sure that I did it to a great extent. What I find is that they are only at the outer surface; the inner layer being quite clear. This process will help you in breaking manomaya kosh (mental sheath). However you will soon be feeling free of these surface thoughts as well by His grace.

Your progress is not stopped but I feel that at the point D there is some grossness which when cleared, you will be sure that you are progressing. It is not a new thing with you but is common with most of the abhyasis. Please write to me if you feel like moving in a more congenial atmosphere.


You have rightly discovered that the point of saraswati is active in you, but it is not fully yet. It will be so when the super-consciousness of trikuti is awakened thoroughly. I want you to come to it in natural course.


With best wishes, love to children and respects to Appaji.


Ram Chandra



16th November, 1958

My dear Revered Gurudev,



It is somewhat of a coincidence to think that I suspected that which you have written about "if God offers me an opportunity". I am heartened to learn that hereafter you will not be in any doubt. I shall also be able to develop confidence if I do not doubt or leave an iota of doubt. This is a psychological discovery which is invaluable as a guide in the future.

I am happy to learn that I am in charge of the Supreme and that more and more I shell be able to get out of the invading ideas however superficial. They come at all times. Perhaps I am very sensitive to the pressing day-to-day affairs though I suspected that it is the last gasp of these to take hold of the inner being. By thy Grace I hope to be rid of them.

Surely I would like to go forward pressing further to the Centre , whether it is going to be more congenial or otherwise that is Nature's will. I should like to know whether the points mentioned now such as AB,C,D ... are capable of being localised at all, even as the point saraswati? If so where?

With loving pranams,




Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 11th December, 1958

My dear Varadachari,


Pts A,B,C,D

You have asked me to locate the points A, B, C, D... It can be done if I give you the measurement of their localisation. They are adjusted one after the other but the difference between them is only-a millimeter or two.

Sahasradal Kamal

As for sahasra dal kamal, there may be a difference of opinion over my views. I feel it for certain that sahasra dal kamal lies within the frontal lobe of the brain and the point commences after it. I have taken these points one by one in case of Saint Kasturi and she has described the condition of each in her letters. She has crossed on from A to Z and after it again from A-1 to Q-1. I do not know when they will exhaust. Now you can yourself put many dots as you like beyond the frontal lobe of the brain with the difference of a millimetre or two. In your case as well as in case of Shri Raghavendra Rao I want to take up several points together, but after when you may be able to create an almost thoughtless state which will come automatically as you advance. I do not want to put a check in the thoughts. It should come automatically resulting from your devotion. I always proceed from the root and the same I am doing in all cases. As you advance your training becomes easier because the helping factor of God also develops. Doctor I tell you for your experience that when you feel confused or monotonous for days together or the presence of subtle grossness in you, think that you want to go up to another point for which a push is essential. The reason is that as you advance the subtle divine current becomes stronger and you have to go up the stream.


Doctor I do not know what has become of me. I neither feel devotion nor faith nor anything. I do not know whether I have been born or I am dead. At the same time I do not feel myself weak because that is the first lesson taught by my Master when he entrusted his work to me. He said to me that my will was working in matured state so if I taught myself weak I shall actually become weak. It is due to his grace that the thought of weakness never crosses my mind. When doubt totally vanishes the will becomes unfailing and this is one of the characteristic features of brahmagati


I often think of my sister. Please write to me how is she doing now. If you give, her a very light sort of transmission in her heart thinking that her heart is gaining strength as much as is required for the body, it will be greatly beneficial to her. For the heart the transmission should be soothing. How to know that the transmission is soothing or not. When starting this sort of transmission if you feel yourself soothing it will work out the same effect on her. .....

With best wishes to you, love to children and respects to Appaji. I often long for his darshan.


Ram Chandra


Shahjahanpur, U.P.

Dated 24th December, 1958


Dryness and Negation

..... I also congratulate you for the dryness which you-have been feeling, though on the other hand people generally congratulate for richness. As you proceed the dryness which is a sure sign of higher development will be dwindling to take up the next higher approach towards Negation.

With best wishes to you, love to children and respects to Appaji. I often long for his darshan.


Ram Chandra
