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Pujya Babuji Maharaj

(Revered Babuji Maharaj’s original letter in Hindi to seeker – An extract therefrom)

Your two letters have arrived. Reading them, regret has arisen in me since if mutuality exists there can be no question of quarrel or dissension. If any matter is not  clear to the  understanding of any one it is usual to take the assistance of the other and discussion can arise only for obtaining the correct understanding. This is merely business concerning mutual love and affection and those who are fit for this should take help, each from the other.

Mahatma Lalaji Saheb always adopted an attitude of universal brotherhood towards every individual and love wnt with him everywhere. Its fragrance spread all  round. When any elderly person comes up, whatever religion or persuasion he may profess, it behoves all of us to give respect and regard to the elder. Here there is no question of greatness and smallness. Lalaji Maharaj always used to say that for all of us mutual behaviour should be based on love and regard, and this is what almost all elders have taught and practiced.  Whatever has come to me and is still coming to me has been the generous gift from the  Master. To the fullest possible extent I endeavour to walk in his footsteps whatever benefit has accrued to me has all come from his pure and sacred hands for the generosity of which all of us are beggars. The gates of the Kingdom of spirituality are ever open to everyone who sincerely and truly craves to learn and understand. This has been my endeavour and whatever success or benefit has come to me all of it is the grace of the Master.

With the heart's eyes, never see anything except the beloved. Whatever you see thus, know that it emanates from Him”

I feel that if people will only put this truth into practical application, there can he no difference of opinion anywhere.

You have referred to me about certain techniques. I call only say that I have always done that which was ordered or ordained and have said only that which the Master desired.  I have never had the leisure time to even think of or give any attention to these matters.