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Seminar on "Happiest man is he who is happy under all circumstances"

4. Smt. Bh. Devasena

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

My Hearty Pranams to all of you. I thank the ‘Imperience’ for giving us an opportunity for presenting a paper on this auspicious occasion.

‘The Happiest man is he who is happy under all circumstances’. Our Revered Master makes this statement in a message given at shahjahanpur in Jan’1976 titled ‘Love – Universal’.

On contemplating the above sentence, I could understand that a person who is following the method of spiritual training given by our Revered Master with the support of Pranahuti will understand the meaning in it.

Generally the question arises as to, how can a person be happy under all circumstances?

Ten Commandments given by Master are an answer to this question. When we put a question to ourselves as to what is the meaning of happiness which Revered Master has mentioned in the above sentence, the answer comes to us as when a person is in a state of Balance and moderation he is happy. When can a person be balanced and moderated? When he is in the consciousness of Master it is possible. Why are we not always in the consciousness of Master? Because it requires purity. Impurities do not allow us to be in the consciousness of Master. The thought gets drifted away from the thought of Master when there is impurity. Our samskaras, impressions do not allow us to be in the thought of Master. The lower self is pulling us down. However following the commandments of Revered Master with determination is required to maintain purity and live in the upper plane of consciousness. Only then we can be balanced and understand to be happy.

The happiest thing in life is to be in the constant remembrance of the Master under all circumstances and get attached to Him and Him alone.

Under certain adverse circumstances a person is unhappy. Then how does the statement of Master which is the topic of seminar is true? Unless we understand the depth of the commandments given by Rev. Master in both letter and spirit and follow them as our way of living we will not be able to understand the statement made by Master. When we analyse and contemplate on this aspect we find that there is a transformation in our thinking and attitudes and we also accept that it is possible to be happy under all circumstances as stated by Revered Master. However the level of understanding depends upon our seriousness in sadhana.

• When we are in a state of misery we are sad and unhappy. In the fifth commandment Revered Master says ‘Be truthful. Take miseries as Divine blessings for your own good and be thankful’. I think it is an experience of all of us that during miseries we remember our Master more and more since we are totally dependent on Him. This condition is an opportunity to develop more dependency on Master. After coming out from the state of misery, we surely feel nearness to Master. It is a happy thing to become nearer to Master. It is an experience in my life also. There are no traces of condition of misery which I have undergone in the past because I have moved nearer to Master and I am happy.

• Revered Master in His message ‘ways and means’ in DR (page 29&30) mentions that ‘Total absence of sufferings and miseries in life is however impossible and unnatural. In fact they are rather meant for our betterment. ‘In fact to put up coolly with miseries and troubles contribute much to our betterment, hence they are valuable assets to our progress.’

• When somebody abuses us, hurts us and insults us in our life then how can we be happy? Initially and immediately the reaction may be in the same way. We too want to retreat back and abuse them. But maturity in sadhana enables us to understand the seventh commandment given by Master ’Be not revengeful for the wrongs done by others. Take them with gratitude as heavenly gifts’. Unless we had done similar action to others in our life, we will not face this situation. Nothing comes just like that. Instead of understanding that one of my samskaras is washed away by undergoing this mental torture and be thankful to Revered Master we will be unnecessary making one more impression by developing revengeful attitude on the other person. By revengeful attitude our balance gets disturbed and we will be unhappy till such time our balance is restored back. Again in such a situation remembrance of Master is more intense and we are happy.

• During physical ailments there is lot of pain and agony. But still we can be happy even in such circumstances when we understand the Revered Master saying that ‘we are benefited by disease also which takes along with it the vicious samskaras. All is the play of His love’. (SDG-121). Here again is a positive thinking given by Master. Even a disease with pain and agony can keep us happy because Master has explained to us that this pain is taking away a vicious samskara.

• When there is an ambition in life but we don’t succeed to the desired extent as expected with sincere efforts we are disappointed in life. We become unhappy. But contentment and moderation which we develop through sadhana enable us to be happy with what we have got. The understanding comes that this is what we are destined to have. Though initially we are disappointed after some time we understand that whatever has happened it happened for our good and feeling of gratitude develops for Master.

• The uniqueness of our Revered Master’s teachings is He always teaches us the positive attitude. There is no negative thinking. Hence the chances of being unhappy after following His system are not there.

• To maintain balance and remain in a happy condition Revered Masters states in the above message that:-

i. Detachment in attachment is really needed.’

ii. ‘Necessities in life should be meager. Plain living and high thinking is an English proverb.’

iii. ‘We should live a life like the coot and the ducks in the water, which when they are out of water have no effect of water on their wings.’

iv. ‘It is a hidden dictum of Nature that every soul must live a happy and restful life. If we do otherwise we are spoiling His world.’

v. ‘God has created the world so that every flower may grow in its right standard.’

In the third commandment Revered Master says ‘Fix up your Goal which should be ‘Complete oneness’ with God. Rest not till the ideal is achieved.’ When our Goal is to become like Him ie., to attain that level of purity we have to rise above all attachments and get attached to Him only. This can alone grant us happiness. The concept of trusteeship given by Revered Master is to be understood correctly. Only then we will be able to discharge our duties in our grihastha life efficiently without forming further samskaras. I understand that we should analyse ourselves on the implementation of Ten Commandments and improve upon the lapses with the guidance of our guide.
