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What is new

Publishers Note

The Sri Ramchandra Publishers are pleased to present the following volume “Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra”.

The volume contains the four essential books of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur viz., Efficacy of Rajayoga, Sri Ramchandra’s Commandments, Reality at Dawn and Towards Infinity.

In this presentation we have included the original forewords to “Sri Ramchandra’s Commandments” and “Towards Infinity” written by Revered Dr. K.C.Varadachari.

We have also used the introduction to the Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandraji given by Him as the Introduction to this book. This introduction is the most comprehensive introduction to the system of Sri Ramchandraji and presents in detail all the different aspects covered in the various books.

We have brought forward this presentation in order that the aspirants can have access to all the important works of the Master in one volume.

We thank aspirants from various centres who have contributed generously which has helped us sustain the subsidy on publications during the last year.

In the service of the Master,

Hyderabad                                                            R. Radhakrishnan

April 2008                                            for Sri Ramchandra Publishers